Jeffrey has an MFA in Creative Writing from Pacific Lutheran University. He’s been a staff writer for Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine and editorial staff for the Northwest-based literary magazine A River and Sound Review. An excerpt from his first novel, THE SPIRITS OF PHA PHANG, was published in Straylight Literary Magazine. One of the essays featured in this collection, THE EMPTYING HOURGLASS, was first published in T.H.R.O.B. (The Hawaii Review of Books).

Jeffrey grew up in the 300-person farm town of Spangle, WA—but from an early age suffered from a chronic and debilitating case of wanderlust. Places he’s since called home include Seattle, WA, Boulder, CO, Florence, Italy, Rio Dulce, Guatemala, Luang Prabang, Laos, Honolulu, HI, and he currently lives on the Big Island of Hawaii with his wife and two daughters. If he’s not writing or teaching, he can be found hiking volcanoes, or in the ocean doing his best merman impression for his two little mermaids, or spending entire weekends slow-cooking Italian food while pretending he’s back in Tuscany.